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ASCE Design Teams Nationals

ASCE Design Teams Nationals Image
Raised toward our $15,000 Goal
40 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on June 14, at 07:00 AM CDT
Project Owners

ASCE Design Teams Nationals

We are seeking funding to send our Concrete Canoe and Steel Bridge teams to their respective national competitions. Upon our teams success at the regional competition, we have been invited to compete at the ASCE national competitions. Our bright students will be competing against the best of the best from around the country. The funds raised would be used to cover registration fees and travel costs. This is a wonderful opportunity for all the students that are involved as well as the University as it will be among the best engineering schools in the nation. The Concrete Canoe national competition is hosted by San Diego State University and the Steel Bridge national competition is being hosted by the Universtiy of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. The captains of the Concrete Canoe team are Jessica Wignes and Joseph DeWerff. The Steel Bridge captain is Dillon Ruholl.

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Helps cover registration and transportation costs



Helps cover registration and transportation costs



Helps cover registration and transportation costs



Helps cover registration and transportation costs

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